Mabon is a pagan holiday, and one of the eight Wiccan sabbats celebrated during the year. Mabon celebrates the autumnal equinox. In the northern hemisphere, this September 23rd will be the autumnal equinox. However, the southern hemisphere already celebrated Mabon on March 20, when the Northern hemisphere celebrated Ostara.
Mabon is the time of the Autumn Equinox.
When leaves start to change color ushering in cooler weather, animals start to prepare for hibernation, storing food, or migration, and the warmth from the sun prepares to become more and more scarce as winter will soon be approaching. Now begins the time of transition and transformation.
Mabon is also the second harvest (mid-harvest), a time to celebrate the full fruit trees, abundant harvests, and busy kitchens. This is a great time to prepare canned foods for winter, make jellies and jams, and use fresh fruits, veggies, herbs and spices in your kitchen.
There are many ways to celebrate Mabon.
You can take a nature walk and collect things for your altar, things like acorns and fallen leaves make great additions! You can visit a pumpkin patch, carve a pumpkin, and bake the pumpkin seeds, or get pumpkins for Mabon decor!
Apple picking is another great Mabon activity, and who doesn't love fresh apple pie?! Mabon is also a great time for self transformation, reflection, and healing, a gratitude list and shadow work are two great starting points.
Mabon spellwork: protection, balance, prosperity, healing, abundance
Mabon crystals: yellow topaz, amethyst, citrine, sapphire
Mabon herbs & spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, rosemary, thyme
Mabon fruits & veggies: apples, oranges, pumpkin, corn, squash, eggplant, grapes, blackberries, pears
Mabon colors: yellow, orange, brown, red, gold, green, black
In a large pot of water add:
* apple slices
* orange slices
* cinnamon
* nutmeg
* cloves
* vanilla extract
* rosemary sprig
Simmer on low stirring (clockwise for abundance, counterclockwise for release) occasionally, never leave unattended.
While stirring slowly, focus your intentions on drawing abundance, giving gratitude, or the release of whatever you're releasing.
When finished drain liquid (some keep the liquid in a clearly labeled jar for later use in spell jars do not consume) and discard remaining ingredients by placing in trash or bury outside.